Thursday, 29 August 2013

Make your laptop and computers quite Fast

Its obvious when we buy new laptop it runs like birds flying in the air but after sometimes it begin to slow down like turtle.we don't need to worry about slowing down of laptop speed, it's always happens to all laptops/PCs.

Here are some steps taken by me to make my laptop runs fast hope it will works for you as well.

Steps by Numbers
1. The more software installs on your laptop the more your laptop work slow tries to remove useless software from your laptop/PCs.
from: Start>control panel>Add/remove

2. Everytime you runs a program like (game/media player/browser) software registry are updated and due to several process somehow somewhere registry error generated which can also slow down the speed of your laptop/PCs.Download and install free registry error fixes software to fix registries.

3. Download "Ccleaner" and install it scan issues and fix all issues.

Note: It's Important to have atleast more then 30 to 50GB free space it will keep your Laptop/PCs calm and runs smoothly.


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