Friday, 27 December 2013

Review One Year Facebook Just in one click - Facebook Tricks

We all know we have posted some important post over our facebook profile, but we actually did not remembered which posts and photos we had posted in the start of the year.Now Facebook provided a new way to review your whole years informations, posts, photos and videos.Which you might you reshare on your wall just to refresh your friends and family memory.

You can review your profile just by typing exactly same or by clicking on the link.

Monday, 21 October 2013

How to cash Cheque Clickbank or Others - Encash your cheque - For All countries

How to cash your cheque internationally, cash out cheque, how to cash cheque, how to cash cheque in pakistan, india, malaysia, srilanka, bangladesh, phillpine, indonesia, how to cash your cheque in Asia
How to encash your cheque? for those who are really Unaware and never ever received any cheque from online work.

Here are few steps which you needs to take for cashing your cheque.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

GBP Stands for

In terms of currency , Exchange , Income or Salary "GBP" Stands for
(Great British Pound)

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Facebook Spam Messages | Beware

Facebook, Scam, facebook beware
Internet/Cyber Crime or fraud is increasing day by day.The fraud and cheater peoples are targeting the most poplar social media network like Facebook or Twitter. 

Facebook is most commonly used social media website which allow to to connect to you Family, Friends and to those who are interesting in you by looking at your profile or your comments.

Facebook Privacy allow unknown users and spam messages to moved into Other folder which you can see Right side of the inbox option.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Hashtag # - How and Why we use Hash# tag on Facebook

The Hash sign looks like this "#" and it is named on social media Hashtag = #(your_tag)
Hashtag was first introduced by Twitter and still using it for trending world wide

How can we use Hashtag?

Saturday, 31 August 2013

Echo sound test service vanished from skype

Type echo 123 or Add user Echo123  i will be back on your skype 

Caps Lock auto turn on

Caps auto turning on is not a big issue but in laptops It is.

Friday, 30 August 2013

Facebook Page Protect

it's important for every creator of page to save his/her's difficult for someone to hack your page but it can be more easy for them to hack your ID and then hack your page.

Gets Facebook LIkes

Gets facebook like not a easy thing to do, You need to work hard , keep posting everyday on the page and invites your friends to like the page.

Information about my Laptop

Your laptop model number, Service code number and serial number are written at the bottom side of the laptop.

laptop not charging

some of the laptops stopped charging after some months which i guess is most annoying problem for the users of laptops.

Increase typing speed

Here is top most popular question asked by zero level users of laptops/computers.When i was at age 14 the same question i searched "how to increase typing speed" but i didn't get a solution from anyone.

Increase Downloading Speed

Download from the default download manager is not a bad idea, but some peoples thinks by using different download manager software can increase their download performance.

which laptop is best for me

From 2005 to 2013 a huge revolutionary changes started to begin in the electronic world.Computer and mobile phones were already introduced with keypad interface but slowly Humans step into the

Wifi signals can't reaches my device

Wifi generation is growing rapidly almost every device is produced with Wifi capability.

How to Download Driver

3 steps which are important to Install or Download driver software

when buying a computer or laptop you'll get a free driver software CD if not then you can ask  from system seller to give a driver software CD which you may required while installing any hardware devices.


Thursday, 29 August 2013

Internet connection speed Test

You can test you internet connection speed by opening your router menu.If you have a shared connection and can't access to you router "username" or "password".Now you can check your internet connection speed using Website. < search for this site and click on start to check your internet speed.

When Google Created and by whom

Google was created by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in September 1998.

Best Video cutter for me

I have been searching for long long time and never found any solution of best video cutter.I have tried many video cutting software which i can actually call him BEST.

What is Fake FBI message

Someday using computer or laptop you were chilling searching online, look up for different websites.while using browser you'll always noticed many popup windows are appears which


For new users those who never uses computer/Laptops or heard about Uninstalling a program here are few steps to uninstall any program.

Motherboard can support new Graphic card or not?

Motherboard can can support a new card.
Be make sure the card's length is supported & the power you supply has enough watts to calculate it.

How to take out percentage%

Many questions are asked how to take out percentage of any 2 numbers.Most peoples knew but they actually forget at some place here you go again .

Make your laptop and computers quite Fast

Its obvious when we buy new laptop it runs like birds flying in the air but after sometimes it begin to slow down like turtle.we don't need to worry about slowing down of laptop speed, it's always happens to all laptops/PCs.

Here are some steps taken by me to make my laptop runs fast hope it will works for you as well.

Monday, 26 August 2013

Publisher affiliate program Tips

If your working with affiliate publisher programs Don't stop posting your articles / contents daily.Your daily posting articles/contents give a sign to the search engine that your website is alive.

Online Money Making Tips for those who have been dis-agree or dis-heart with online money making process

Your helpless , you need money , there is no work out there for you.If there's work for you but they are not paying you much and you need more??

Adsense Approval Tips

The following Tips you need to know before Applying to Google Adsense

Earn Online

Google Adsense was Introduced in March 2003 since then peoples are taking advantage from this program and make money online.Many peoples are saying making money with Google is much more easier compare to other online money making system.

How can you earn with Google Adsense??

Make Money Hard Work

Are you tried of looking online jobs??
Are you tried of scams and lies ??
Are you tried of looking true online money making system??
Are you tried of "oh C'mon i'm tried of reading same lines over and over and over again"

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

100 Million Links Deleted by Google

Year 2013 Google owner requested to remove "pirated" links from the google search engine.Currently 15 millions "Pirated" URLs remove completely.

Pirated websites right owners keep sending DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) to Google, to keep the URLs for the peoples to Access them.

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Unblock every websites

How to unblock facebook??
How to unblock youtube??

How to unblock any website??

Here are some solutions for you , but first it is important for you to think why someone block these websites and he/she don't want you to stay away from them.

I know it's hard to understand when someone taking care of you so much that it's impossible to understand for Us.

Talking about topic here are few steps you can do before access to blocked facebook , youtube or any website.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Increase website traffic with simple steps (SEO 2013)

With the help of few steps you can increase your website viewers.I know it's too difficult for any of us to bring massive traffic it needs lot of energy and lot of patient.

First you need to choose a category on which you had created your website or blog.

You know what i meant choose ??
That's right choosing a category is very much important for us.We need to fix our mind on one topic sometimes we already make up our mind but then we divert towards something else because we are not getting enough traffic for our website.We started to post something which does not match with our URL or website or blog name.

Well , talking about simple few steps here are they:

usb vs human

Your 1 gram of DNA can store 716800 GB of Data! The average total mass of DNA in an adult human body is almost 60-70 grams which can store at least 50176000 GB of data.
In sum, you are a huge portable naturally-made hard drive!

webcam face tracking solution or auto start zooming on video call skype

Today i'm going to show how to get rid or auto face zooming of web cam while using skype/yahoo or video call.

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

hosts file not saving in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc

A file named "hosts" located in windows it is system32 file and complete address is

Sometimes when we need to edit system file it always occur and showed some error.
A text based system file need a proper way of editing.

first we need to open notepad in administrator mode. on start

2.all programs



5.right click and open notepad and run as administration

6.If there's any administrator password enter it.

7.when notepad popup click on file > open > and choose hosts file from the dictionary C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc

8.Edit as you want 

9.Save it from file > save or shortcut key CTRL + S

10 . Done

Music came out from laptop speakers while using skype solution

First find call quality option click on  call quality option 
On the speaker tab adjust speaker setting to speaker
speaker > speaker/headphone(IDT)

Right click volume option on taskbar and choose playback devices

playback > speakers/Headphone highlight and set it default

Communication tab choose Do nothing and press ok

Skype > Tools > Options > Audio setting over Ringing choose speakers/headphone and save.


Saturday, 23 February 2013

How to change facebook color

Go for the New App to change facebook color just CLICK HERE and follow the instructions

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Video Not Uploading to Facebook

Today date is 3 Jan 2013 few hours before i was facing problem "My videos are not uploading to facebook account/page" I tried to upload from IE, Firefox, Chrome but failed I restarted my modem/router but still facing the same problem than i updated my flash player but again failed.

Problem was when i press I AGREE a new window popup which everytime does but i was only see white blank page and nothing, i cleared my browsing history as well but failed again & again.

So, i finally find a solution.I logged into my facebook account, opened new tab and search there on most right side i saw upload video option.I tried from there and succeed.