Yesterday in New York Samsung has launched its note series smartphone Samsung Galaxy Note 9. The Phone has many features in it but there are something which people might not very much impressed until they saw the Note 9 S-Pen magic.
Samsung Note 9 color combination are Black Blue and Brown
Galaxy Note 9 S Pen has more function than the note 8. There are few best phone in the market which has the powerful battery in the list of phone has huge battery samsung note 9 is now in the list the 4000 mAh of battery make your phone last longer. Talking about the DeX, now you can use samsung note 9 in the bigger screen without having any other thing install. The Note 9 Dex working just like a computer. It is fast, smooth, and you have can multiple tasks while watching the video (Demonstrated in the event)
There are two variants of Samsung Note 9
6 GB Ram/ 128 ROM
8 GB Ram/ 512 ROM
6 GB Ram Phone has price of $999
8 GB Ram phone has price of $1249
You can have 12-MP of dual aperture camera (f/1.5 or f/2.4)
Front facing camera is 8 MP
Snapdragon 845 processor
The preorder of Samsung Note 9 will begin 10th August and shipment will be start on 24 of August