Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Application to Monetize Youtube channel taking longer

Application to monetize youtube channel taking longer than normal

Everyone is looking for the solution some has waited for 10 days and many are still waiting from month but their application or their channel still under review for many days 

Youtube Monetization application still under review

Youtube channels are still under review for many days people have been asking me on youtube so i asked the same question from youtube support team
Q. People are asking me why their channel still under review for many days ?

They always replied me with a good answer. They said,

Youtube application to monetize channel taking longer

They have clearly mentioned that Youtube channel reviewing process taking longer than normal process. It means the application are getting more and more everyday which make it difficult for them to review.
So don't worry if your channel is still under review make content more and more grow your audience and get more subscriber. Best of luck

Youtube channel not approving still under review

Youtube channel not approving still under review

Youtube channel not approving still under review

It's not the first time youtube is facing some issue with the new youtubers. Youtube has to maintain their revenue system in order to work what is better for the business.
Many people has been asking everywhere their

youtube channel still under review for many days

I'm also a youtuber so i helped people as much as possible so on asking question from youtube
Q. Many of may followers asking me why their youtube channel not approving still under review for many days.

Earlier this morning ! Youtube replied me with the this.

For many days youtube channel is still under review

Elaborating to this email "it means youtube if facing a problem in reviewing these application as they appears to be so many at their screen" in other words channel approving application taking much longer than normal process. As soon as every youtube application appears on their desk screen they will approve and disapprove based on channel quality.

Youtube Channel Under Review for many days

Your channel is not approving for many days

channel under review for many days and not approving

Youtube channel under review not approving by the youtube

Many people have been asking me on
youtube that their Youtube Channel is under review for many days and not approving by the youtube review team. yes ! this is true the channel approving issue on youtube is being increasing day by day and this is because the application of reviewing channel on youtube for the YT team has be increase. So youtube is facing issue this process become slower by time and they are working to resolve the issue soon.

On Asking Youtube Team a question by me.
Q. Many people have been asking me their channel is under review and not approving by the youtube from many days.
They finally answered me with their email saying

Youtube Channel not approving still under review for many days

Describing to these words it means "As soon as every youtuber channel appear in front of their screen their will approve or disapprove based on channel position.